NEW SENSATIONS 2024 UNDEATH More Insane "More Insane" out octoberCABAL Still Cursed "Everything Rots" out april 2025ZAKULA Όλεθρος "White Forest Reign Lullabies" out octoberKANONENFIEBER Menschenmühle "Die Urkatastrophe" out septemberNIGHT IN GALES Spirals "Shadowreaper" out decemberDEVENIAL VERDICT Garden Of Eyes "Blessing of Despair" out octoberIMMORTAL BIRD Plastered Sainthood "Sin Querencia" out octoberGAEREA Coma "Coma" out octoberREVENGE Violation Unit "Violation.Strife.Abominate" out january 2025ORGANECTOMY Plague Mouth "Single" out octoberBIOLOGY Deadbeat "2024" out novemberI DECLARE WAR Flesh from My Body "Downcast vol 2. " out novemberUNGRACEFUL Unwanted Thoracic Gestation "Single 2024" out novemberQUEZON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CREMATORIUM Reign of the Pigs "Splatterama" out octoberDISENTOMB Drear Prophecies "Nothing Above" out OctoberFLESHBORE Inadequate "Painted Paradise" out january 2025ARCHITECTS Whiplash "The Sky, The Earth & All Between" out february 2025ASS TO MOUTH The Underground "Enemy Of The Human Race" out novemberFIT FOR AN AUTOPSY Spoils Of The Horde "The Nothing That Is" out octoberEVILYN Eat the Elite "Mondestrunken" out augustESCUELA GRIND Always Watching You "Single" out augustVEILBURNER Woe Ye’ Who Build these Crosses... "The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom" out NovemberFRONTIERER The Skull Burned "The Skull Burned Wearing Hell Like A Life Vest As The Night Wept" out decemberMORAL LAW Justice "Justice, Epoch" out julySENTIENT HORROR Glory to the Rotten "In Service of the Dead" out octoberTORMENTOR TYRANT Capital Of Pain "Excessive Escalation Of Cruelty" out january 2025GUTLESS Viral Infection "High Impact Violence" out novemberFERAL FORMS Sadistic Inner Hate "Through Demonic Spell" out novemberTHE CROWN Churchburner "Crown of Thorns" out octoberHÄSSLIG Apex Predator "Apex Predator" out mayDISTANT Fleshweaver "Tsukuyomi The Origin" out novemberPAGANIZER World Scythe "Flesh Requiem" out novemberMAUL Spontaneous Stigmata "In the Jaws of Bereavement" out octoberMASSACRE The Colour Out Of Space "Necrolution" out novemberERASER Atomic Oblivion "Harmony Dies" out septemberBARON Primordial Possession "Beneath the Blazing Abyss" out aprilDEIVOS Sermon Of Hypocrisy "Apophenia" out octobeVOMIT FORTH Negative Penance "Terrified Of God" out octoberCAN'T SWIM Can't See Straight "Single" out julyCRANIAL TORMENT A Unique Outcry "Stades Of Repression" out julyWOLFBRIGADE Disarm or be Destroyed "Life Knife Death" out septemberINSANE MADNESS Pandemia "Pandemia" out julyTEETH Loathe "The Will Of Hate" out augustBARBARIK TORTURE Horde "Obsessions of Compulsive Mind" out julyPSYKOOSI End The Cage Age "What do You Value?" out julyCOSMIC PUTREFACTION Hallways Engraved In Aether "Emerald Fires Atop The Farewell Mountains" out octoberRENDERED HELPLESS Through Wails of the Abyss "From Nothing Comes All" out mayRIPPED TO SHREDS Force Fed "Sanshi" out SeptemberMUDCRAB Crab Vs Lobster "Plagues Of Carcinization" out augustLAYER:0 Molotovs "The Dead are Not Silent" out augustSICK/TIRED Tenderfoot "Whip Hand Paranoia" out julyLACERATION Excised "I Erode" out julyHUMANITY Out of Structure "Out of Stucture" out julyFRACTAL GENERATOR Askesis "Covergence" out juneEMASCULATOR In Resplendent Terror "The Disfigured and the Divine" out October200 STAB WOUNDS Gross Abuse "Manual Manic Procedures" out juneLWSTNDRDS Suffering as an Art "Songs of Atrocity out juneFULCI Fucked With A Broken Bottle "Duck Face Killings" out augustDISROTTER The Retched End "Restless Death" out aprilAPES Bottom Feeder "Penitence" out juneABACABB Multiple Stab Wounds "Demos" out julySEWER HAUL Ensnared (By The Knife) "Emetic Fluid Transaction" out julyRESTRICTOR PLATE Nitromethane Tipsy "Slamtona 500" out marchCRUCIATUS Respeta La Naturaleza HP "ECOchisTEMA" out mayTHE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER Aftermath "Servitude" out septemberFERAL Stripped of Flesh "To Usurp The Thrones" out julyNILE Chapter for Not Being..."The Underworld Awaits Us All" out augustSWAMPBEAST Valley Of Defilement "Offering of Chaos, Lamenting in the Blood of Man" out mayKNOCKED LOOSE Piece By Piece "You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To" out mayVOMITMAN Shitpisser "Tomb Vomit split" out juneWORMWITCH The Helm and the Bow "Wormwitch" out julyI, CURSED Sorrower "Death Holograms" out juneBLACK HOLE DEITY Swarm Attack "Profane Geometry" out julyKINSKI Aversion "Krone der Erschöpfung" out juneNAILS Imposing Will "Every Bridge Burning" out AugustTEMPLE GUARD Istvaan III (Exterminatus) "Morbid Sacrament" out mayVMRE Курган "split /W FTD" out mayPRIMAL HORDE Bloodspeaker "Primal Horde" out juneOXYGEN DESTROYER Shadow Of Evil "Guardian of the Universe" out augustGLUTTED SWARM Leprous Fire "...of Old" out mayDEPRIVED EXISTENCE Lord of Gloom "Diabolical Dissonance" out juneALEISTER COWBOY Perverse Psychic Punishment "Relentless Anguish" out juneGOD MOTHER Spellcraft "Sinneseld" out mayTZOMPANTLI Chichimecatl "Beating the Drums of Ancestral" out mayWITCH VOMIT Endless Fall "Funeral Sanctum" out aprilDARKNESS EVERYWHERE To Conquer Eternal Damnation "To Conquer Eternal Damnation" out mayNEAERA Pacifier "All Is Dust" out juneHYPERDONTIA Death's Embrace "Harvest of Malevolence" out juneCULT LEADER Learn To Love It "Single" out marchHIPPOTRAKTOR Silver Tongue "Stasis" out juneCAVERN WOMB Exultation of Depraved Majesty "Stages of Infinity" out maySVDESTADA Amargor "Candela" out januaryPOST MORTAL POSSESSION Off-World Insurrection "The Dead Space Between The Stars" out aprilDARKENED Defilers of the Light "Defilers of the Light" out junePRIMITIVE WARFARE Nuclear Regression "Extinction Protocol" out mayCARNOPHAGE Underneath The Horrendous One "Matter of a Darker Nature" out augustFROM DYING SUNS Turn Undead "Calamity" out mayNYKTOPHOBIA Millenium "To The Stars" out julyUNHALLOWED DELIVERANCE We Slither "Of Spectres and Strife" out mayCEREBRAL SUPPURATION Autopsy Techniques Rokitansky's Method (T-incision) "Forensic Pathology..." out februaryDÅÅTH Hex Unending "The Deceivers" out mayFATHOMLESS RITUAL Gelatinous Being Of Countless Forms "Hymns For The Lesser Gods" out marchSTORM UPON THE MASSES Crusher Of Souls " Crusher Of Souls" out aprilEXTORTION Turn It Off "Threats" out mayDISTANT - Loveless Suffering "single" out mayMONUMENT OF MISANTHROPY The Atascasdero Years "Vile Postmortem Irrumatio" out julyILLYRIA Pragma "Wanderlust" out JuneHENRY KANE Numb "Circle Of Pain" out mayCARRION THRONE Misanthropic "The Feast of Human Vices" out mayUMBRA VITAE Belief Is Obsolete "Light Of Death" out juneANCST Armed with Despise “Split with Breathe//Die” out April200 STAB WOUNDS Hands of Eternity "Manual Manic Procedures" out juneCORPUS OFAL Ripened Psychosis "Demo 2024" out marchNUCLEAR TOMB Obsoletion “Terror Labyrinthian” out aprilGNASHING TEETH Tongueless "Repent" out mayLIPOMA Weißbier Gut Destruction "The Head "Split" out aprilWASTEWALKER Penitence Through Bloodshed "Trapped Between Realms of Suffering" out aprilMANDIBULA Kneeling Down "Self Devourment" out mayFLUIDS Reduced Capabilities "Reduced Capabilities" out juneCOGNITIVE Abhorrence "Abhorrence" out mayCLEARxCUT Putrefaction "Age of Grief" out aprilGRIEFGOD 45 Years of Tremor "Deterioration" out aprilHEMORRHOID Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis "Raw Materials of Decay" out marchGRIND Hysteria "Grace and Misery" out AprilKIDNAPPED Disgust "Disgust" out marchROSKOPP Swamp of Bile "Split W/ Sick Destroyer" out januaryMALIGNANCY Purity Of Purpose "Discontinued" out juneGORGATRON Conduit Of Pain "Sentience Revoked" out juneOPPRESSION DENIED Dirge "A Multitude Of Malfunctions" out februarySEPTAGE Intolerant Spree of Infesting Forms "Septic Worship" out marchPATHOLOGY Cult of the Black Triangle "Unholy Descent" out mayRESTLESSLY Dimension Collide "Unforeseen Consequences" out marchBLOOD RAGE The Saw is Family "Blood Remains " out marchNOOSE SWEAT For Want of+Dead State+End it "Murder Suic!de" out aprilVALE OF PNATH Burning Light "Between The Worlds Of Life And Death" out mayTWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE Languishing In Theurgical Obsolescence "Languishing In Theurgical Obsolescence" out marchABORTED Condemned To Rot "Vault Of Horrors" out marchATRÆ BILIS Salted in Stygia "Aumicide" out aprilTERMINAL NATION Written by the Victor "Echoes Of The Devil's Den" out mayDARK TRANQUILLITY The Last Imagination "Endtime Signals" out augustSTAGES OF DECOMPOSITION Beast of Jersey "Raptures of Psychopathy" out februaryKARST A Curse of Wicked Stars "Eclipsed Beneath Umbral Divine" out aprilWASTED DEATH Brain All Rot "Season Of Evil" out marchBLACK PEGASUS Caustic Silhouettes "Black Grass Smoker" out marchINGESTED Pantheon "The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams" out aprilRATPISS Piss "Four Humors" out marchBARREN Hanged "Split w SICKRECY" out marchNEKROZA Procesija Ucrvanih "Procesija Ucrvanih" out marchHOUR OF PENANCE Devotion for Tyranny "Devotion" out aprilFULL OF HELL Doors To Mental Agony "Coagulated Bliss out april"ACxDC Thot Police "G.O.A.T." out aprilANTICHRIST SIEGE MACHINE Sisera "Vengeance Of Eternal Fire" out aprilHYPOXIA Bleed For Blasphemy "Defiance" out februaryDELETERIOUS Deserved Contempt "Promo 2024" out marchTHE LAST OF LUCY Shedim Seance "Godform" out mayNECROT Cut the Cord "Lifeless Birth" out aprilTOMBSTONER Rot Stink Rip "Rot Stink Rip" out aprilPURULENCY Devoured by the Sentient Nihility "Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions" out JanuaryMUTILATED BY ZOMBIES Severely Severed "Scenes From the Afterlife" out marchHANNES GROSSMANN Retrospective Monolog "Echoes Of Eternity" out februaryCONTAMINATED An Unnatural End "Celebratory Beheading" out februaryCOFFINS Spontaneous Rot "Sinister Oath" out marchABERRATION Interstitial Enmity "Refracture" out marchENTERPRISE EARTH Face of Fear “Death an Anthology” out FebruaryINGESTED Paragon of Purity "The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams" out aprilBRAT Hesitation Wound “Social Grace” out MarchSUFFER Ashened Frolic the Exquisite Promenade “Grand Canvas of the Aesthete” out MarchTHE LAST TEN SECONDS OF LIFE Body of a Bastard "No Name Graves" out februaryBRODEQUIN Of Pillars and Trees “Harbringer of Woe” out marchINTERCOURSE Clown College Dropout “Egyptian Democracy” out FebruaryEXOCRINE Life "Legend" out januaryEMBRACE YOUR PUNISHMENT Oppression "Made of Stone" outBENIGHTED Scars “Ekbom” out aprilCRAWL Undead Crypts "Altar of Disgust" out aprilBLOOM Maybe In Another Life "Maybe In Another Life" out februaryEXTENDED PUTREFACTION Aeons in Torment "Single" out januarySLUG GORE Demented Crickets " "They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill!" out AprilREPLICANT Acid Mirror "Infinite Mortality" out marchSICKENING FETAL DISCHARGE Infant Flesh Ingurgitation "Single" out januarySADISTIC SPLIFF High Speed Hotbox Massacre "Indicapocalypse" out januaryKNOLL As Spoken "As Spoken" out januaryFOUL DEFORMITY (Null)Ubiquitous "Disgust" out februarySKELETAL REMAINS Relentless Appetite "Fragments Of The Ageless" out marchGREIA Deport "Human Supremacy" out JanuaryRESIN TOMB Human Confetti "Cerebral Purgatory" out januaryCOGNIZANCE A Brain Dead Memoir "Phantazein" out januaryAPPARITION Asphyxcreation "Disgraced Emanations From A Tranquil State" out marchGATECREEPER Caught in the Treads "Single" out februaryABORTED Death Cult (ft. Alex Erian of Despised Icon) "Vault Of Horrors" out march #21 17/12 #20 11/12 #19 03/12 #18 07/10 #17 02/10 #16 02/09 #15 02/08 #14 11/07 #13 24/06 #12 12/06 #11 30/05 #10 13/05 #9 6/05 #8 29/04 #7 15/04 #6 09/04 #5 02/04 #4 25/03 #3 18/03 #2 11/03 #01 04/03